Time: 12-1pm on Fridays

Location: EBII 3211

11/22/2024 — Invited Talk

Presenter: Prof. Huining Li




11/15/2024 — Cancelled due to Haven’s schedule conflict

~~Presenter: Haven Brown (from Justin Bradley’s group)~~





Presenter: Abdullah Al Arafat (from Dr. Zhishan Guo's group) [Video]

Room: EBII 3001 (changed)

Title: Towards Secure and Resilient Real-Time Intelligent Systems


Recent advances in sensing, communication, and computing have significantly enhanced the accessibility and integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which are often constrained by stringent timing requirements and scalability challenges. This talk presents my Ph.D. research on enhancing CPS resilience and security. To improve temporal resilience, I developed real-time scheduling methods using a mixed-criticality system model and created dynamic priority schedulers for the Robot Operating System (ROS 2). On the security front, I designed backdoor-resilient algorithms to enable secure use of pretrained machine learning models in resource-constrained CPS, addressing vulnerabilities associated with both in-domain and different than the inference domain pretrained models.