Time: 12-1pm on Fridays
Location: EBII 3211
Presenter: Prof. Huining Li
Title: Harnessing Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Equity and Fairness
Mobile health technologies are increasingly recognized as a means to bridge health disparities due to their high accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and global connectivity. However, research indicates that if these technologies are not implemented thoughtfully, they could exacerbate health disparities and raise issues, such as privacy and fairness. In my talk, I will discuss my recent efforts in addressing these challenges. Firstly, I will present a novel mobile health framework designed to protect privacy while efficiently managing and assessing neural disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. Secondly, I will introduce innovative, fairness-aware computational methods for mobile mental health applications. Both of these applications have been successfully deployed in real-world settings, actively involving participants in delivering equitable and responsible mobile health services.
Dr. Huining Li is an Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science in the North Carolina State University. She received Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo in 2024. Her research interest lies broadly in internet-of-things, cybersecurity, and mobile computing. Her work has received three Best Paper Awards (SenSys’19, BodyNet’21, and ICHI’22), and one Best Paper Candidate (SenSys’22). Huining was named among the EECS Rising Stars in 2023, and received the Harold O. Wolf Achievement Award in 2024.
~~Presenter: Haven Brown (from Justin Bradley’s group)~~
Presenter: Abdullah Al Arafat (from Dr. Zhishan Guo's group) [Video]
Room: EBII 3001 (changed)
Title: Towards Secure and Resilient Real-Time Intelligent Systems