

Course Description

This is a mixed course on theory and practice of parallel algorithms. We will start by discussing parallel models and then go through a variety of algorithms including sorting, strings, graphs, and geometry. The goal is both to get a broad view of the techniques used to design such algorithms, as well as going into some depth on a handful of recent breakthroughs in the design of parallel algorithms. We will discuss practical implementations of most of the algorithms we cover. By taking this course, ideally, you will have the ability to design your own efficient parallel or concurrent algorithms for topics you are interested in. In this course, we will explore the breakthrough and state-of-the-art innovations to parallel algorithms. A mixed pattern of lectures and student presentations will be used. Paper reading, presentation, and an embryonic project are expected.

Instructor: Jiajia Li ( Email: [email protected] Office: EB2 3260

Class Schedule: F 08:30-11:15am ET @ 1212 Engineering Building 2

Office hours: TBD @ EB2 3260 or Zoom

Message Center and Online Discussion: Moodle

Course Videos: on Panopto

Contact: Please do not hesitate to contact me by email.

Grader: TBD

Pre-requisites (Optional)

CSC 505  Design and Analysis of Algorithms or equivalent

Textbooks (Optional)

  1. Parallel Algorithms by Guy Blelloch and Bruce Maggs. From Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition, Allen B. Tucker

Evaluation and Grading